The procedure uses computer algebra, the package Reduce, to construct approximations to the invariant manifolds.
- So download and install Reduce, and then download StoNormForm.zip.
- Start-up Reduce in the unzipped StoNormForm folder.
- Execute in_tex "StoNormForm.tex"$ to load the procedure.
- Test by executing examplenormalform(); and confirm the output is as in stoNormForm.pdf
- See examples in manyExamples.pdf and then try for systems of your interest.
For example, the web form could help you analyse the stochastic bifurcation in the Stratonovich stochastic system dxdt=ax−xy,dydt=−y+x2−2y2+w(t) where near the origin x(t) evolves slowly, y(t) decays quickly to some quasi-equilibrium, but the white noise w(t) `kicks' the system around. As parameter a crosses zero, a stochastic bifurcation occurs. A stochastic, near identity, coordinate transform, x=X(t)+⋯ and y=Y(t)+⋯, decouples the fast/slow dynamics in the new variables X(t) and Y(t) so you are empowered to deduce the true slow/fast dynamics in the bifurcation. Just click on the Submit button to see.
The source code is now available for collaborative development via the folder StochasticNormalForm of a Github repository
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